FB - Reduction of Surgery Hours
Published: 02 September 2020
From: (CHC - Powys)
andrea.blayney@wales.nhs.uk] Sent: 08 September 2020 17:39
To: clerk@talgarthtowncouncil.co.ukSubject: Haygarth Doctors
Further to our telephone conversation this afternoon, please find attached a copy of a letter which we understand Haygarth Doctors issued with prescriptions last week.
Below is the text of the Facebook post - This was posted on Haygarth Doctors Facebook page on 2nd September.
Important Notice from Haygarth Doctors
Haygarth Doctors has made an application to Powys Local Health Board to reduce opening hours at both Hay and Talgarth Medical Centres from the 1st October 2020.
Hay Medical Centre will be closed on a Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon from 1pm. Talgarth Medical Centre will be closed on a Monday, Thursday and Friday afternoon from 1pm.
Emergency appointments will be continue to be available on one site in the afternoon as they have been. The Prescription collection points (hatches) will remain open until 5pm at the closed Medical Centres to allow patients to collect prescriptions.
We have been advised that the funding stream to support our Total Nurse Triage project is due to cease at the end of September and therefore we were advised to make choices regarding service provision should we wish the pilot to continue.
The Total Nurse Triage pilot has been a hugely successful project and has been proven to be beneficial to our patients and our practice team. This pilot has greatly improved patient access to GP appointments, previously patients had to wait of 2 to 4 weeks for a routine GP appointment and the wait reduced to an average of 3-4 days after the Total Nurse Triage was introduced. We were able to increase the time of a GP appointment, allowing the GPs to spend more time with patients when needed.
The Total Nurse Triage system is completely embedded within the practice, it is now an integral part of our working practice for both staff and patients alike. The reduction in opening hours will allow us to maintain this essential service for our patients.
Should you wish to comment on the application, please contact The Primary Care Department, Powys Teaching Health Board, The Gwalia, Llandrindod Wells Email: concerns.qualityandsafety.POW@wales.nhs.uk with any concerns with a copy to the Community Health Council enquiries.powyschc@waleschc.org.uk by Friday 18th September 2020.
You will see that the Practice has provided the CHC email address for people to write to. We are receiving emails from people. We will analyse all of the comments we receive from people and the matter will be considered by our Executive Committee and we will then write to the Health Board again.